DEBtox information
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DEBtox information

Software / Links to other software

Miscellaneous software

On this page, I will collect links to freely-available software packages provided by other parties to perform calculations on GUTS and DEB(tox). I have not been involved in the production of these packages (apart from openGUTS), so I cannot provide any assistance or support for them. I am responsible for the Matlab implementations of GUTS, DEBtox and DEBkiss as part of the BYOM platform. Several more implementations for GUTS are known to exist, of which a number is planned to be offered for free download by their developers in the near future. When more information is available I will update the list below.

Web-based GUTS calculations

A web-based and user-friendly way to perform GUTS calculations (reduced SD and IT models only) is available in the MOSAIC facility at See also the papers of Baudrot et al (2018) and Charles et al (2022). Under the hood, it applies Bayesian inference with the MORSE R-package. This is a very elegant implementation, but the user needs to realise that the software applies weakly informative prior distributions (i.e., the output is more than just the information from the data set). The priors are based on test design, which I believe is somewhat awkward (see my comment in ES&T and the author's response to that). In general, these priors will not affect the results. However, in specific cases (when a parameter runs away to zero or infinity, e.g., 'slow kinetics'), they will influence the results. In the current version, these cases are flagged with a warning, so the user is aware that the priors are affecting the results.

This touches upon a general issue for Bayesian inference (and MCMC) when the posterior is insufficiently constrained by the data (and becomes 'improper'). For more information I suggest the excellent and readable paper from Raue et al. (2013). At this moment, it is unclear to me how other Bayesian GUTS applications address this issue.

Standalone GUTS software

In December 2019, the first version of the openGUTS standalone software was released. This is an easy-to-use and robust software that runs under Windows. It can be freely downloaded from the dedicated website There is also a Matlab version of openGUTS, available from the same website.

In June 2018, the Fraunhofer Institute has launched the first version of their standalone GUTS-3S. More information. A test version of this software was included in the ring test (which is part of the GUTS e-book). I have not looked at this version yet, so I cannot provide you with my opinion just yet. It seems this software has not been updated since 2019.

A user interface for the GUTS-R (see below) package is currently being developed by RIFCON, turning it into a standalone software under the name EasyGUTS (presented in SETAC posters in 2017 and 2018). This version is planned to become available for free download, but is still not available (only on request). This version should be able to do the reduced GUTS models (also SD and IT combined). Mentioned on the Rifcon downloads site under 'download software'.

R-packages for GUTS

Two R-packages are available to make the GUTS calculations in a Bayesian framework. The first package was developed by Carlo Albert & Sören Vogel, is currently maintained by RIFCON, and can be found at I am not sure if and how they deal with the issue of 'improper posteriors' noted above for the web-based MOSAIC software.

The second is the MORSE R-package, as developed and maintained by the University of Lyon. It contains the reduced SD and IT models. This package can be found at There is a web-based interface around it as well (see previous item above).

Python-package for GUTS

A Python toolbox is available for GUTS calculations. The toolbox is developed and maintained by Raymond Nepstad (SINTEF, Trondheim), and can be downloaded from GitHub: There has not been an update since 2017.

Web-based DEBtox predictions

Take a look at the DeEP tool for EPx predictions with DEBtox2019. Note that this tool does not perform calibrations or validations on data sets, but rather makes EPx predictions for exposure profiles, such as those from FOCUS. As input, it requires model parameters to be entered as well as an exposure profile (in simple text format). As of version 6.4, BYOM contains functionality to translate DEBtox2019 calibration output to a DeEP input file.

DEB-IBM in NETlogo

The individual-based modelling implementation of DEB in NetLogo of Martin et al. (2012) can be found CREAM website or on Ben Martin's personal pages. This is a flexible model for population dynamics using DEB individuals, and quite user friendly. It does not seem to be maintained or updated anymore. The associated publication is:

Martin B, Zimmer EI, Grimm V and Jager T (2012). Dynamic Energy Budget theory meets individual-based modelling: a generic and accessible implementation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:445-449.

DEBtool in Matlab

DEBtool is an extensive library of code in Matlab to perform a wide range of DEB calculations. Originally developed by Bas Kooijman, but now maintained and developed by a larger group of experts. DEBtool (and various extensions) can be found in the DEB portal, and that is the best place to get more information about it. User-friendliness is limited as there is no GUI (just as with BYOM), so experience with Matlab coding and DEB theory is indispensable. The DEBtool software is used in the DEB course, so the course is the best place to get started with it.

The DEBtox information site,, since July 2011