DEBtox information
Making sense of ecotoxicity test results

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DEBtox information

DEBtox information

Software / GUTS software

User-friendly GUTS software

In 2018/2019, we have developed a standalone, robust and user-friendly software for GUTS. This activity was funded by Cefic-LRI, and more information about the project can be found here. The openGUTS software is aimed towards the application of GUTS in environmental risk assessment. The software is able to calibrate the reduced GUTS models (SD and IT) without the user needing to supply starting values, and will produce confidence intervals on fitted parameters as well as model predictions (such as LCx,t and LPx multiplication factors for exposure profiles).

Current status
This project now has its own dedicated website at The standalone as well as the Matlab version for the software are available as free downloads.

          OpenGUTS standalone                                                                 Matlab-based version

Other software
For more advanced analyses, you will still have to use another platform, such as the package in BYOM. Also, on the other software page, you will find more GUTS implementations (including web-based and standalone versions). A more extensive list is provided on the openGUTS website.


The DEBtox information site,, since July 2011