Version log E-book "DEBkiss" Version 1.0 (Date 18 May 2014) - First version of this book. Version 1.1 (Date 15 June 2014) - Corrected an error in Eq. 5.12 on the alternative version of the V1-morphic growth. - Added a section on mixture toxicity (essentially the same as in the technical document belonging to the 'DEBtox' e-book). - In the preface linked to the new dedicated web page for the DEBkiss applications. Version 1.2 (Date 11 February 2015) - Included an appendix critically discussing the 'stylised facts' and their relationship to DEB and DEBkiss. - Included more support for reserveless models in the discussion. - Included an additional study in the discussion for the maternal effects. - Small changes to maturity maintenance to explain that in extreme cases, the reproduction flux J_R may become negative. - Increased the font size on the title page. - Small clarifications of the text. - Corrected an error in the TK for the situation where reserve has a different composition than structure (the volume of the reserve in the calculation of the elimination rate should be corrected for the different affinity of the chemical for structure and reserve). This affects both the TK of the juvenile/adult (Section 6.1) but also the TK in the egg (Section 6.2). - Provided more clarification on the implementation of the stress function (Section 6.3). A stress on a *primary* parameter should always be a multiplication with 1-s or a multiplication with 1+s, and never a division with 1+s (at least not when assuming a linear effect). However, the choice of primary parameters is to some extent debatable. - Changed my affiliations. Version 1.3 (Date 4 April 2015) - Extended the preface regarding the origins of DEBkiss: in retrospect, I realised that the idea of reserveless DEB models had been thrown in my face earlier already. - Corrected an error in Eq. 5.2 for the contribution of growth overheads to the respiration flux. Version 1.4 (Date 12 August 2015) - Extended the section on fact G4 in the Appendix B with recent publications on fish species. - Change my email address, and now publish through Leanpub (which means small changes in the first few pages). Version 1.5 (Date 6 December 2016) - Added a note for the respiration calculations, for the overheads of growth, that there is an inconsistency in the formulation (with no numerical consequences). - Corrected a few spelling errors, added a few clarifications, and added some new relevant references. - Changed a dead link to the add-my-pet manual to a reference that has that information. - Extended the discussion on comparisons with other energy-budget models. Also added a figure on topologies, and included fresh references. Also, I now mention the model of Rinke and Vijverberg, which is very similar to DEBkiss (something I did not realise before). - Added a short section on a simple reserveless model for V1-morphs. - Changed the default for d_V from 0.1 mg/mm3 to 0.1-0.2 mg/mm3. The 0.1 is the value suggested by Lika et al as a general default. However, it is too low for many invertebrate taxa. A footnote is added to the text on this parameter, providing some references to reviews of dwt-wwt conversions for marine taxa. - Added a short section in the 'other extensions' on determinate growth, referring to the recent publications on insects and copepods. - Small formatting changes regarding the placement of figures in the text. Version 2.0 (Date 15 November 2018) - Updated cover picture (more in line with my other books). - Numerous small textual changes, correcting errors and clarifying things. Addition of new references and fixing broken links. - The largest changes are in the chapter on toxicants. In view of the developments in GUTS, I think it is much better to always explicitly include the stage of 'damage'. This required a number of changes, and I also used this opportunity to make some changes to the notation and to some parameters (e.g., the 'tolerance concetration' is changed into the reverse: an 'effect strenght'). The section on mixture toxicity was also modified to be consistent with the approach in GUTS. An entire section presenting my proposal for more standardised DEBkiss-tox models is included. - Merged the chapters on maturity and other extensions into a single chapter 'Model extensions'. - Added an initial section in Chapter 2 to explain notational issues. Version 3.0 (Date 19 September 2022 - Most important change is a radical reworking of the chapter on toxicokinetics and toxicant effects (which was a bit messy). This chapter is now broken up in two: one chapter providing the basic concepts and equations, and one building them into two DEBtox models for practical use. These sections are now more closely reflecting my 2020 paper, describing the updated DEBtox model. Furthermore, case studies are added. This brings the treatment of TKTD within DEBkiss up to speed with the most recent insights. - Added a section 'Software' in several places, which point at BYOM packages that can perform the analyses in a certain Chapter. - Numerous small textual changes, correcting errors and clarifying things. Addition of a few new references. Added some introductory text in various places to enhance readability. Version 3.1 (Date 5 February 2024) - Large number of (very) small textual changes, correcting errors and clarifying things. Addition of a few new references. - In Section 4.2.3, added some notes on insects, which behave rather similarly to the copepods that were the initial focus of this section. - Extended Appendix B for Fact G5, taking a closer look at the new support for the relationship between rB and Lm as presented by Lika and Kooijman (2024). - Eq. 5.3 did not match the text above it: the size factor L/Lm should be on the first term (now corrected). ================================================================================== Known errors that will be corrected, and updates that will be included, in the next version: - ...