
BYOM function call_deri.m (calculates the model output)

Syntax: [Xout,TE,Xout2,zvd] = call_deri(t,par,X0v,glo)

This function calls the ODE solver to solve the system of differential equations specified in derivatives.m. As input, it gets:

The output Xout provides a matrix with time in rows, and states in columns. This function calls derivatives.m. The optional output TE is the time at which an event takes place (specified using the events function). The events function is set up to catch discontinuities. It should be specified according to the problem you are simulating. If you want to use parameters that are (or influence) initial states, they have to be included in this function.

%  Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Tjalling Jager, all rights reserved.
%  This source code is licensed under the MIT-style license found in the
%  LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of BYOM.


function [Xout,TE,Xout2,zvd] = call_deri(t,par,X0v,glo)
% These outputs need to be defined, even if they are not used
Xout2    = []; % additional uni-variate output, not used in this example
zvd      = []; % additional zero-variate output, not used in this example

% NOTE: this file is modified so that data and output can be as body length
% whereas the state variable remains body weight. Also, there is a
% calculation to prevent shrinking in physical length (as shells, for
% example, do not shrink).

Initial settings

This part extracts optional settings for the ODE solver that can be set in the main script (defaults are set in prelim_checks). Further in this section, initial values can be determined by a parameter (overwrite parts of X0), and zero-variate data can be calculated. See the example BYOM files for more information.

This package will always use the ODE solver; therefore the general settings in the global glo for the calculation (useode and eventson) are removed here. This packacge also always uses the events function, so the option eventson is not used. Furthermore, simplefun.m is removed.

stiff = glo.stiff; % ODE solver 0) ode45 (standard), 1) ode113 (moderately stiff), 2) ode15s (stiff)
min_t = 500; % minimum length of time vector (affects ODE stepsize only, when needed)

if length(stiff) == 1
    stiff(2) = 1; % by default: normally tightened tolerances

% Unpack the vector X0v, which is X0mat for one scenario
X0 = X0v(2:end); % these are the intitial states for a scenario

% % if needed, extract parameters from par that influence initial states in X0
% % start from specified initial size
% Lw0 = par.Lw0(1);  % initial body length (mm)
% X0(glo.locL) = glo.dV*((Lw0*glo.delM)^3); % recalculate to dwt, and put this parameter in the correct location of the initial vector

% start from the value provided in X0mat
if glo.len ~= 0 % only if the switch is set to 1 or 2!
    % Assume that X0mat includes initial length; if it includes mass, no correction is needed here
    % The model is set up in masses, so we need to translate the initial length
    % (in mm body length) to body mass using delM.
    X0(glo.locL) = glo.dV*((X0(glo.locL) * glo.delM)^3); % initial length to initial dwt

% % start at hatching, so calculate initial length from egg weight
% WB0   = par.WB0(1);     % initial dry weight of egg
% yVA   = par.yVA(1);     % yield of structure on assimilates (growth)
% kap   = par.kap(1);     % allocation fraction to soma
% WVb   = WB0 *yVA * kap; % dry body mass at birth
% X0(glo.locL) = WVb;     % put this estimate in the correct location of the initial vector

% % if needed, calculate model values for zero-variate data from parameter set
% if ~isempty(zvd)
%     zvd.ku(3) = par.Piw(1) *; % add model prediction as third value
% end


This part calls the ODE solver to calculate the output (the value of the state variables over time). There is generally no need to modify this part. The solver ode45 generally works well. For stiff problems, the solver might become very slow; you can try ode15s instead.

c     = X0v(1); % the concentration (or scenario number)
t     = t(:);   % force t to be a row vector (needed when useode=0)
t_rem = t;      % remember the original time vector (as we might add to it)

% This is a means to include a delay caused by the brood pounch in species
% like Daphnia. The repro data are for the appearance of neonates, but egg
% production occurs earlier. This global shifts the model output in this
% function below. This way, the time vector in the data does not need to be
% manipulated, and the model plots show the neonate production as expected.
% (NEW)
bp = 0; % by default, no brood-pouch delay
if isfield(glo,'Tbp') && glo.Tbp > 0 % if there is a global specifying a brood-pouch delay ...
    tbp = t(t>glo.Tbp)-glo.Tbp; % extra times needed to calculate brood-pounch delay
    t   = unique([t;tbp]);      % add the shifted time points to account for brood-pouch delay
    bp  = 1;                    % signal rest of code that we need brood-pouch delay

% When an animal cannot shrink in length, we need a long time vector as we
% need to catch the maximum length over time.
if glo.len == 2 && length(t) < min_t % make sure there are at least min_t points
    t = unique([t;(linspace(t(1),t(end),min_t))']);

% specify options for the ODE solver
options = odeset; % start with default options
% Note: since odeset takes considerable time, it is smart to set all
% options in ONE call below.

% This needs further study ...
switch stiff(2)
    case 1 % for ODE15s, slightly tighter tolerances seem to suffice (for ODE113: not tested yet!)
        options = odeset(options,'Events',@eventsfun,'RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',1e-7); % specify tightened tolerances
    case 2 % somewhat tighter tolerances ...
        options = odeset(options,'Events',@eventsfun,'RelTol',1e-5,'AbsTol',1e-8); % specify tightened tolerances
    case 3 % for ODE45, very tight tolerances seem to be necessary
        options = odeset(options,'Events',@eventsfun,'RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9); % specify MORE tightened tolerances
% Note: setting tolerances is pretty tricky. For some cases, tighter
% tolerances are needed but not for others. For ODE45, tighter tolerances
% seem to work well, but not for ODE15s.

% The code below uses an ODE solver to go through the time vector in one
% run. The DEBtox packages use code that can break up the time vector in
% sections. That would be especially useful if conditions change
% (non-smoothly) over time. But here, we keep things simple.

TE = 0; % dummy for time of events
% call the ODE solver with an events functions ... additional output arguments for events:
% TE catches the time of an event
switch stiff(1)
    case 0
        [tout,Xout,TE,~,~] = ode45(@derivatives,t,X0,options,par,c,glo);
    case 1
        [tout,Xout,TE,~,~] = ode113(@derivatives,t,X0,options,par,c,glo);
    case 2
        [tout,Xout,TE,~,~] = ode15s(@derivatives,t,X0,options,par,c,glo);

if isempty(TE) || all(TE == 0) % if there is no event caught
    TE = +inf; % return infinity

Output mapping

Xout contains a row for each state variable. It can be mapped to the data. If you need to transform the model values to match the data, do it here.

% here, translate from the state body weight to output in length, if needed
if glo.len ~= 0 % only if the switch is set to 1 or 2!
    % Here, I translate the model output in body mass to estimated physical body length
    W = Xout(:,glo.locL); % take dry body weight from the correct location in Xout
    L = (W/glo.dV).^(1/3)/glo.delM; % estimated physical body length

    if glo.len == 2 % when animal cannot shrink in length (but does on volume!)
        L = cummax(L); % replace L by the maximum achieved over time
    Xout(:,glo.locL) = L; % replace body weight by physical body length

if bp == 1 % if we need a brood-pouch delay ... (NEW)
    [~,loct] = ismember(tbp,tout); % find where the extra brood-pouch time points are in the long Xout
    Xbp      = Xout(loct,glo.locR); % only keep the brood-pouch ones we asked for
t = t_rem; % return t to the original input vector

% Select the correct time points to return to the calling function
[~,loct] = ismember(t,tout); % find where the requested time points are in the long Xout
Xout     = Xout(loct,:);     % only keep the ones we asked for

if bp == 1 % if we need a brood-pouch delay ... (NEW)
    [~,loct] = ismember(tbp+glo.Tbp,t); % find where the extra brood-pouch time points SHOULD BE in the long Xout
    Xout(:,glo.locR)    = 0;   % clear the reproduction state variable
    Xout(loct,glo.locR) = Xbp; % put in the brood-pouch ones we asked for
% % To obtain the output of the derivatives at each time point. The values in
% % dXout might be used to replace values in Xout, if the data to be fitted
% % are the changes (rates) instead of the state variable itself.
% % dXout = zeros(size(Xout)); % initialise with zeros
% for i = 1:length(t) % run through all time points
%     dXout(i,:) = derivatives(t(i),Xout(i,:),par,c,glo);
%     % derivatives for each stage at each time
% end

Events function

This subfunction catches the 'events': in this case, it looks for birth and the point where size exceeds the threshold for puberty. This function should be adapted to the problem you are modelling.

Note that the eventsfun has the same inputs, in the same sequence, as derivatives.m.

function [value,isterminal,direction] = eventsfun(t,X,par,c,glo)

% Note: glo needs to be an input to the events function as well, rather
% than a global since the inputs for the events function must match those
% for derivatives.

Lwp      = par.Lwp(1); % shell length at puberty
if glo.len ~= 0 % only if the switch is set to 1 or 2!
    % Translate shell length at puberty to body weight
    WVp = glo.dV*(Lwp * glo.delM).^3; % initial length to initial dwt

nevents  = 1;          % number of events that we try to catch

value       = zeros(nevents,1);  % initialise with zeros
value(1)    = X(glo.locL) - WVp; % thing to follow is body mass (state 1) minus threshold

isterminal  = zeros(nevents,1); % do NOT stop the solver at an event
direction   = zeros(nevents,1); % catch ALL zero crossing when function is increasing or decreasing